Tagged trees permanently damaged during Sandy
To break the sightline of the town landfill and exposed green methane gas pipe, we will be planting a raised row of green giant arbovitaes behind thirteen tee.
Twenty, six-seven foot green giant arborviates will be planted on a two foot raised bed- the same species of trees that exist behind one green and eighteen green screening the pool. In addition, well working in this area the tee will be expanded four feet in the back and seven feet to the right towards the cart path. This will increase the tee area by fourteen hundred square feet, or roughly twenty-five percent, allowing for much needed, additional teeing area.
Tee Expansion
The tee will be sodded with fairway sod from the left side of hole three. The area where we use the sod will be reseeded and roped off as ground under repair. Weather depending, we will be finished with the planting and tee within a week. The expanded tee will be ready for the Invitational- hard to believe it is only a month away!