Friday, October 25, 2013

Late Season Aeration Update

Drill and Fill Update

Given the stretch of spectacular fall weather, the drill and fill procedure on the greens will be delayed until the week December 2nd.

Some have asked a very logical question. After five years of continued improvements of the greens is it necessary to have to perform this procedure anymore?  The answer is yes and it’s synonymous to weight loss-a target weight is set, achieved through better eating and exercise and then maintained.  That is the state that the greens have achieved and just like it took a great deal of work to condition the greens to the height and speed they are now at, it takes the same discipline to maintain these conditions.

And just as weight loss takes place and you achieve a healthier, more active lifestyle, there are times when you can now afford to give in to those guilty food pleasures on occasion (ie- Chef Rob’s PB and J bars), knowing it will not affect you as adversely.  Same applies to the greens- five years of improvements have afforded us the flexibility to drill and fill later in the season and to rotate drill and fills every other year without any negative effects. However, the aerations, drill and fill and topdressing cannot be abandoned- it’s a way of life.

As you can see in the attached picture via aeration and topdressing, there has been a tremendous improvement in the top 2.5” of growing medium below the greens.  However, the subsoil is still very much problematic.  The dark color demonstrates its heavy, clay-like properties.  When rainfalls occur the water drains through the top 2.5” very quickly (at an average rate of 7”/hour) then hits the subsoil and drains at less than .75”/hour.  Drill and filling has and will continue to improve this rate of drainage in the subsoil through incorporation of sand into this layer, hence the continued need to perform this procedure. 


Undoubtedly one of the worst condition messages to have to put out and wait through- frost delays.  However, frost is on the horizon so please use the condition line throughout the late fall, the condition line will be routinely updated during these events. For an excellent video explaining frost damage, click on this link-

Keep the great fall weather coming!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Breaking down and Rebuilding the Bunkers

After a fantastic Fall Classic golfing weekend, just wanted to remind you all that tomorrow we will begin work on the green side bunkers.  As touched upon in the email flash about a week ago, the reason for rebuilding the bunkers is three-fold. The drainage in them is poor and/or nonexistent. The sand is very inconsistent because of inadequate drainage and years of silt and soil running off into them. The grass faces of the bunkers are very weak given the last 15+ years of hitting shots out of them and contaminating the edges with sand.

Poor drainage and runoff contamination

The goal between now and the early part of next spring (Mayish) is to finish rebuilding all the greenside bunkers on the front 9.  What does this entail?  1. Removing all the old sand. 2. Stripping all the old sod. 3. Re-countouring the bunker floor. 4. Repairing or in many cases adding drainage. 5. Rebuilding the grass faces. 6. Sodding and lastly 7. Adding a newer, better quality sand. 

A majority of 1 and 2 are already complete and 5, 8 and 9 are already complete. The reconstruction of the bunkers going forward will be in a similar process (see photos below).  To expedite the process throughout the remainder of the fall, we will make temporary greens on the hole we are working on.  As soon as the bunkers on the hole are complete the hole will re-open and the bunkers will be deemed ground under repair until spring.  Work will commence on finishing holes 1 and 2 first and we will then proceed from hole 3 going forward.  

This will be a huge improvement for playability and aesthetically for the golf course- one we are excited to resume in-house! We will provide some updates and photos throughout the process.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation in allowing us to temp the greens being worked on.  Attached below are several photos highlighting the process.

Sand and grass face/sand contaminated soil removal

Floor re-contoured pre-drainage installation

Drainage being installed

Drainage and sodding complete

Pre/post bunker complete